In the display were a few interesting blushes. There was a sale on Maybelline Face products so I picked up all of them XD I had to fight with the cashier for the discount because the items weren't ringing up in the system but thankfully, the manager put the discount through.
Anyway, Macnunu mentioned they might be dupes for Chanel Joues Contraste so I dug in my stash to see if I had some possible equivalent colors. Here's what I came up with:
(I'll try to update with pan pics later tonight)
L->R: Pressworthy Pink, Ravishing Rouge and Stage Glow
Anyway, Macnunu mentioned they might be dupes for Chanel Joues Contraste so I dug in my stash to see if I had some possible equivalent colors. Here's what I came up with:
Top Row: Chanel Pink Explosion, Rouge and Pink Cloud
Bottom Row: Maybelline Pressworthy Pink, Ravishing Rouge and Stage Glow
Bottom Row: Maybelline Pressworthy Pink, Ravishing Rouge and Stage Glow
(I'll try to update with pan pics later tonight)
So they are pretty close!
Chanel Pink Explosion is a bit warmer in color and more subtle in shimmer than Maybelline Pressworthy Pink.
Chanel Rouge is a brighter red and more shimmery than Maybelline Ravishing Rouge which feels more burgundy.
Chanel Pink Cloud is leans more white and subtle in shimmer than Maybelline Stage Glow which I think leans a bit more silvery.
Overall, the Maybelline blushes were pretty nice. I haven't tested them for wear time but they feel pretty smooth and I had no problems picking up the color. A nice drugstore substitute but I wouldn't say exact dupe for the Joues Constrastes :)
Chanel Rouge is a brighter red and more shimmery than Maybelline Ravishing Rouge which feels more burgundy.
Chanel Pink Cloud is leans more white and subtle in shimmer than Maybelline Stage Glow which I think leans a bit more silvery.
Overall, the Maybelline blushes were pretty nice. I haven't tested them for wear time but they feel pretty smooth and I had no problems picking up the color. A nice drugstore substitute but I wouldn't say exact dupe for the Joues Constrastes :)