Hi! I haven't succeeded in being a diligent blogger these past few weeks. I've been distracted by life and having taken my first European trip ever. Hopefully, I'll be able to post more frequently starting with this entry.
I had read this
post on
Rouge Deluxe that
Beaute de Kose will soon be discontinued. I had tried a few items from this brand and had a fairly positive experience. When I saw the Fantasist Collection online, I figure I would give a few more items a shot before the brand was no more.
coffret comes in a lovely cardboard box. I was surprised how sturdy it felt. It kind of reminds me of fancy candle boxes.
The interior is even better. I love how colorful it is!

The eye fantasists are cream shadows and come with a sponge tip applicator. They have a good staying power and blend easily. The lip gloss goes on very smooth and I was surprise how non-sticky it was-perfect for summer:

Gr755 is a shimmery light green, BR357 is a pretty golden brown
OR281 is a
pinky coral lip color
Sorry I haven't had the heart to swatch the blush. The lightest color has very little shimmer while the middle and deepest color are shimmery. The solid perfume has a strong rose scent to it mixed with other floral notes. It's nice in the box but not a fragrance I would wear. Overall, a very cute set and the colors are perfect for warmer temps.