Crystal Ruby:

Princess Sapphire:

Swatches (Top: Crystal Ruby, Bottom: Princess Sapphire):

Princess Sapphire:
Swatches (Top: Crystal Ruby, Bottom: Princess Sapphire):
The Crystal Ruby palette has a pale gold, a golden pink, a medium ruby, and a dark burgundy. I did prefer this palette over the Princess Sapphire palette which contained a pale pink, a lilac, a deep pink and a dark violet because the pigmentation was a bit better and the shimmer a bit more subdue. The colors were also more unique than other Jill Stuart palettes that I can recall. The shadows were very smooth overall and I had no problems with fading or much fallout from the shimmer.
Pics of the Rose Fairy blush:

It's a very pretty pink blush and the colors don't contain any shimmer except for the top right pink shade but the shimmer is very fine. The powder is very smooth and you can easily build up or down the intensity.
Overall, a nice spring collection worth checking out if you like more girlie type of spring colors. =)
Overall, a nice spring collection worth checking out if you like more girlie type of spring colors. =)